Post by Deleted on Jun 25, 2015 22:09:41 GMT
Athan watched as Zerori gathered herself after the long and very hard flight. He would follow her hands at his side as they would walk in the direction of her apartment. This took a few minutes, so on the way he decided to scan the pedestrians to see if he was fitting in. Several seconds later his arms started naturally swaying with his legs, he walked less like a machine with a walking code and more like a lifelike person. Why, this had been one of the first steps Bigby had taken once he had escaped. He was so busy improving his walk cycle that he hardly paid any attention to what Zerori was saying. "Wait wha? Why do you need wifi to-"
He then watched as she committed a crime, he immediately wanted to speak up to it but a glance from her made him decide against it. By the time he would have spoken up about the other thing she had already gone and paid the man.
"Yes let's go." Athan said, though with his lack of any life experience he began to say other things which may have put his health at risk. "I gave you the usb suggestion as an example... Umm.... Well first I already have the cord." A slot in his head popped open revealing a cable that had just recently been made... It looked to be of slightly better quality then of the one Zerori had just bought. "Also I can connect wirelessly to just about anything... Also I can project a holographic interface for you to do whatever you need like a tablet..... Should I have told you this earlier?"
Post by Articho Reville on Jun 27, 2015 5:58:33 GMT
Articho watched Zerori with a mixture of concern and amusement. The flight here had really messed her up and it was his fault that she was so sick from it. "I'll try to keep it slow next time we need to fly," he said with a grin. "I didn't think someone so tough would be so scared of heights." The hybrid chuckled a little before looking over at Athan. He shrugged in response. "Hackers, man. They're a kooky bunch," he stated simply.
Articho narrowed his eyes into a glare as he watched Zerori swipe the phone. He was ready to ignore her look and speak up. Why was being a criminal so necessary to fix Athan? Was it really so hard to just purchase the phone? What confused the young hybrid the most was Zerori still paying for the stolen phone, all though in secret. "Why didn't you just buy it in the first place if you were going to pay for it anyway?" he asked in a low voice before hesitantly nodding in agreement. Repairing their android companion was best left to a private place.
Articho rolled his eyes as a cord popped out of Athan's head. The android really didn't know what to do. He was like a empty paint canvas. "Try to keep the android gizmos hidden when we're in public," he said with an exasperated sigh. "It also would have been nice to know all that. You're a pretty complex piece of machinery." The half human looked over at Zerori. "You sure you can handle this?" he asked her.
Post by Deleted on Jun 28, 2015 4:15:19 GMT
As much as she would have liked to have been mature about her fear of heights – ignoring was totally the way to go! – she looked back at him with a glare, “Aren’t you a rude fucking brat? I’m not afraid of heights; it’s a psychological reaction to negative stimuli that cause my body to seize up against my will,” She waved him off, uncaring if he broke it down to it’s baser parts that it was exactly what he said it was. Her pride had to be intact at all times through out this. After her little show, however, she was starting lose it when Athan showed off.
I… I am about to just call it quits at this point… Zerori thought, looking at Athan as he pulled out a cord from the side of his head. Her plan was fine, and she had intended to use the Wi-Fi from the phone to hook into him. For every mention he made of her own systems, she would make a gesture, from holding a hand to her face, running it through her hair and the finally shaking her head. With a soft growl, she evenly spoke, “Yes… yes, all of that would have been lovely to bring up. I wouldn’t have just wasted some time… and money,” At this point, it was almost useless to even go back to her home. All of this secrecy and she thought she was being quite clever.
Turning to Articho, she resorted to explaining, “Getting a new phone requires that I pay for a plan and I’m not interesting in plastering my name across the planet so that ‘clunker’ can function again. I’ll use-,” She looked at the phone and clicked the sleep button, waking it up to read the owners name. After a second, her mouth hung open in horror before she just clicked the button again and threw the phone off to the side, “Fuck that; I’m not even that desperate,” And starting walking back off. Unfortunately, the RPG won’t allow for description of what kind of kinks that old man was into.
When they arrived at her apartment, she opened the door and rushed them inside, “Get your ‘tablet’ on so I can get started, Athan and Artie? Look around inside for some food; it’s been a while since I’d been here but I’m sure I’ve got something worth a bite…” She followed them inside and locked the door before walking towards her study. It was a basic studio which had a bathroom in the corner, but she just pointed toward the bed for Athan to sit on, “I’ll be with you in a moment,” She called and walked into the bathroom. She had a quick call to make and there was nothing more satisfying than making men sweat while a woman did whatever she did in the restroom.
Post by Deleted on Jun 28, 2015 17:47:26 GMT
Athan retracted the cord back into his head, covering the port as it closed with his hand. The android blushed. He felt a bit of shame for doing that now, realizing that around organic's they might find it inappropriate. Zerori lead them into her home, it was a nice place. It reminded the android about a memory that he could not quite access fully but the thought of it made him a bit sad. He watched the two bicker and argue about the fact that she had stolen a cell phone. He still did not like it, but he knew that it was only for his own good. Was staying off of the grid really that important to her? The idea baffled him as his head was filled with statistic's of just how many people had social media accounts on their highly advanced technology.
Athan booted up his "tablet" mode in a few short seconds after Zerori asked him to do so. He considered getting some food, knowing that he could eat just like anyone else. But he did not want to give any more burden then he already was so he just sat down. A hologram projected from his eyes a few feet away from his face looking outward. It had a simple U.I, as with Athan behind it there would not be a lot of data to go through. There were a number of files, ranging from combat data to weapon systems to how to make cookies "just like grandma used to make." If someone were to poke around in the personality section they would find two simple files. One named "Athan 102." And another named. "Bigby 101." Athan's name in green text and Bigby's in red.
Post by Articho Reville on Jun 30, 2015 3:57:23 GMT
Articho stared at Zerori in confusion. The amount of words tumbling out of her mouth sounded complex and difficult to figure out, but when he thought it out, she was simply confirming what he had said. "Denial isn't how you get over fear," he said with a small smirk before it quickly broke out into a wide grin. "You face it and make it your bitch!" The hybrid liked to believe he had no fear, but the ever looming worry of losing his mother, Yamado, and others he cared for was always there. He couldn't face that fear without putting such people in his life in harm's way. The younger hybrid's smile softened as he decided that teasing was not the way to go about it, if only to avoid getting punched in the face. "I don't mind helping you with your fear," he offered. "Just give me a call or something."
Articho's expression shifted to one of confusion as he watched Zerori toss the phone away. "It's not like you have to have the plan for very long," he replied as he approached the fallen device. Clicking the sleep button, he scanned the screen for a few moments. He was pretty sure Yamado had had a few magazines with this kind of stuff lying around. "Holding them for a friend," he had said. Articho was certain that was bullshit, but his old master was always alone on a mountain. He shuddered as he thought of what could be going on up there before crushing the phone in his grip. While it didn't faze the young man, that stuff was still pretty screwed up.
After they entered the apartment and Bigby entered his tablet mode, Articho studied the holographic display in front of him. There were a lot of things crammed inside the android, almost too much to take in. He sorted through the different files, amazed at his complexity and how much he simply knew. He kept sifting through the files until reaching two particular ones that looked different. One titled "Bigby 101" and the other titled "Athan 102." The hybrid reached forward tentatively, his outstretched fingers reaching towards the Bigby file. He clicked the file with his finger, unsure of what would happen next.
Post by Deleted on Jun 30, 2015 13:47:58 GMT
Inside the bathroom, she quickly sat on the toilet (still covered, ya nasties) and started to access her scouter functions. She had a few communication files with the numbers associated with them but only chose one that had the most 'recent calls'. Within a few moments, she was in a yelling match with the man on the other side. She snarled at him, "I know I'm a little behind but explain just how advanced this species androids are compared to the ship you found! I picked that baby apart myself and there are still some systems I can't understand."
"That's not hard seeing as despite all your intelligence, you're still a stupid bitch," Denizen dryly replied and she placed a hand over her face. It always seemed to play out like this when she called him. "Look, I'll give you a tip," He told her evenly, and she glanced in disbelief at the visor of the machine. Would he help her? However, "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HIM!"
The yell, damn near heard by anyone outside of the room, shook her head and exploded it into an ache that had her groaning. She stood up from the seat and slammed the door open, "Fine, you son of a bitch, but if you so much as even call me for a job-" She glanced up, seeing Articho in front of Athan and leaning forward to press a file that made her pause in horror.
His personality files... Ones that could have been corrupted. Her hand reaching out in vain, she yelled, "Don't touch that!" However, it was too late and his old files were accessed. She only hoped that the corruption wasn't spread so far that she couldn't at least poke around PROPERLY.
Post by Deleted on Jun 30, 2015 20:30:05 GMT
After Articho sifted through Athan's files for what seemed like an eternity, he finally came to the file he was looking for. It was a massive, 3 Petabyte file that stored every little last nook an cranny of someones complex mind. The fact that there was more than one personality file in Athan's head was a huge question, one that he could not even pretend to have the answer too. One tapped, the file would say.
"Data recovery completed, file clarity: Optimal. Do you want to activate this personality? Doing such could cause the currently running personality to crash. Consult page 954875 subsection 4.98 in your digital users manual for more details."
A yes/no selection box popped up. Athan said. "Whoa hey what do you think you are doing!"
Post by Articho Reville on Jul 2, 2015 0:33:37 GMT
Articho stared at the box for a moment. Here he was, standing at the edge of a cliff and ready to leap. He could say yes and have his friend back or cause more damage. He could say no and Athan would have his chance at life with Bigby a distant memory. He would have thought that he would bring his friend back in a heartbeat, but the young hybrid wasn't so sure anymore. "No I do not," he said bluntly, his finger hovering over the choices.
Articho quickly turned his head in Zerori's direction as she yelled at him to stop. His finger tapped the yes button on accident, which made him freeze. "Too late..." he said sheepishly, taking his hand away from the holographic files.
Post by Deleted on Jul 2, 2015 4:59:03 GMT
She watched with horror on her features as Artie’s finger grazed over the text box and when it pressed ‘yes’, she was sure her darker complexion went a few shades pale. Tripping over some objects in the room, she made to push Articho to the side and look over everything that was happening. Like a cascade effect, she watched as various codes and numbers appeared on the screen and began to scroll down, inserting itself into Athan’s personality matrix and not-so-subtly overwriting with the Bigby one. Her hands hovered over the keys and she grit her teeth before pressing her scouter and lunging down toward the couch for something. Reaching under the seats, she pulled out a contraption that had four slots for fingers in it and placed it on her hand.
“Fucking seconds, goddamn it!” She hissed and immediately started doing gestures with one hand while trying to over-write the commands with the other on his tablet function. Like a blue, her hands moved over the keys and while the other mad incomprehensible gestures. What she was doing was countering the completely deletion of the Athan files, using basic framework guesswork on where they were – while simultaneously creating a back-up for the files to be saved. They were two disadvantages to do it this way, however. One, she wouldn’t be fast enough to save memory files for they were too complex and their placement had to be just so and the second was that such an intensive job required her to focus all attention on the code as it buzzed past her.
Within the few moments it took for the system to cascade to completion, she was closing the back-up system and encoding it with a specific password so she could… ‘fix’, or attempt to do so – later. For everything else, she could only hope that what fail safes his system had, that she didn’t get a chance to look over, could save what she could not.
Her adrenaline coming from on high, she reached for the couch and propped herself against it as she felt her legs turn to mush. It wasn’t physically taxing, but that much information rushing through your brain at speeds she wasn’t used to performing since her academy years took it out of her. For a few moment, she was pretty brain dead before she looked at Articho and glared at him, “No… touching…” She said finally before bringing a hand to her nose and pinching the bridge.
((Hopefully this was okay >.< Lemme know if you need changes done))
Post by Deleted on Jul 3, 2015 16:18:55 GMT
The finger grazed the yes button, and Athan's entire world shifted. He was no longer controlling a body, he was in his own head. A cloud of code. His body would go limp, flopping back into the seat as the other personality booted up. Zerori would find that whatever training she had was not up to the task to fix the problem. The code was constantly changing, as Bigby's personality file had instructions that forced the system to delete the binding laws of robotic's. If Zerori continued she would only get in the systems way to the point where the hologram would give her a zap and then shut down. Athan was not moving but his mouth hang limply open. Audio would begin to play.
"Ugg, one sec people I need to put some things back like they once were." A voice that sounded familiar would say, without the jaw moving at all. "Got to start up the one mind drive, kick the reactor back into shape just- Just one moment It'l just take a minute."
Post by Articho Reville on Jul 5, 2015 1:14:31 GMT
Articho stumbled back in reaction to Zerori's push. His back bumped against the wall and his face was slack. He was processing what he had just done. The other hybrid was studying the code scrolling around Athan while the android had gone limp on the couch. Zerori's fingers were flying around rapidly, though nothing seemed to be happening. Athan remained limp. The young hybrid felt awful for what he had done, even though it was an accident. Avoidable, yes, but an accident all the same. He wondered if he had caused permanent damage to the android on the couch. It had said the Bigby personality had loaded successfully, but what if it hadn't? Athan, or he guessed Bigby now, would be screwed.
Articho breathed a heavy sigh of relief when he heard Bigby's voice play. It had worked out just fine, though it was odd to see words come out of a non-moving mouth. "You alright there, Bigs?" he said with a small laugh. "Gave us quite a scare there, man."
Post by Deleted on Jul 7, 2015 3:58:55 GMT
Staring at the unmoving husk of her friend, whom she was sure was now Bigby again, she gave a sigh at the work she tried to put into stopping the cascade. Too much time with programs that were riddled with holes, back doors and lot of unwanted code left her without the expertise design to hack into him properly. However, given that if she was successful she would most likely have to piece every bit of him back together into a facsimile of… what? A friend she met, sparred with and hung out at him home for a culmination of maybe five hours? She didn’t know him well enough to put him back together…
Hearing him try to put everything back together in his state made her groan, “Fuck… Sorry I’m not… well, shit, I’m not as technical as I thought I was,” She looked over at Articho before giving a heavy sigh. Picking up a foot, she tapped it against the floor a couple of times to test it sensitivity before nodding in agreement with it. She walked around the couch to a table that held multiple half-finished bottles of vodka. Taking one in hand, she popped the top and tipped it back. Three... four gulps later, she let it down and wiped her mouth with the back of her arm.
The inebriation would be a slow process, but it would be a necessary step in forgetting the ugliness that was her failure today. She walked to the couch and sat down, looking Bigby over as various sounds of popping and clicking could be heard. Whatever is goin’ on in there, it must be good… Kicking back another gulp, she waiting until some of it stopped before speaking, “If you’re still having problems, I’ll call someone over here… but I’m not going to hang around.” If there were any disagreements or naysayers, she would quickly add in, “-It’s a matter of pride and I will not seen or questioned by whoever the hell decides to fix you!”
((Sorry for the lateness - she'll be bouncin' soon~ Gonna go on a bit of a break for a while ^^))
Post by Deleted on Jul 10, 2015 0:24:06 GMT
"By whoever the hell decides to fix you!" That's when Bigby's eyes, fully opened to see everything. He then stood up and stretched. His arms going high above his head. Servo's were whirring and a light hum would fill the room for a few moments before the android would crack his fingers and everything would go back to normal. "No that's quite alright, you two have done more than enough. I've sorted everything out up there." Bigby tapped his head causing a metallic clank. He then looked around briefly like a security camera. "I really to find a mirror... But anyways, the two of your probably or, hopefully want to know about Athan right?" Bigby sat back down on the couch leaning forwards.
"Well, as to be expected. He crashed as soon as you booted me up. The uhh, operating system for normal androids can't really take more than one personality of this size at a time. It over tasks itself and the one that does not take priority eventually stops. He's fine, a crash does not mean deletion it just means that it shut down." Bigby looked around the room he was in. "You have a very nice home Zerori. I'm afraid I don't think I'll ever go back to my old one... Anyway, I made what changes were needed to my operating system voiding me of my warrenty yet again!" He joked. "... But uhh, I think it would be a smarter decision to hold off on starting him up until I'm in a private place."
Post by Articho Reville on Jul 10, 2015 2:08:20 GMT
Articho jumped back in surprise as Bigby suddenly sprang to life, his muscles tensing up in reaction. His android friend's limbs were going nuts and he did not want to get caught in any possible blows. "That was a hell of an entrance, Bigs," he said with a smile, relaxing as the initial shock passed. "Good to have to back in the land of the living, my friend.
Articho nodded in agreement with Bigby's question. "I am curious about this alternate personality of yours," the hybrid said as he watched the android. He listened intently, nodding now and again until Bigby reached the last sentence. Articho raised an eyebrow in curiousity. "Starting him up? You mean Athan's taking over?" he said, a small bit of sadness creeping into his voice.
Post by Deleted on Jul 11, 2015 1:09:31 GMT
Just as they words had left her mouth, Bigby spoke and assured her that it wouldn’t be necessary. She looked up in surprise since she didn’t think he’d start moving right away. As happy as she was to hear about his recovery, it didn’t make her feel any better about the failure she exposed. If anything seeing him recover himself so quickly had her second-guessing her skills in the first place. What a fool I was, to think that I could get him back to normal when he could have done so in the first place… So out of sorts, she almost started to think that he was mocking her intentionally. What if he knew exactly what he was doing all along?! And if this was an elaborate plan just to show him… what? What is his goal?
As he spoke and Articho made the mention of his relief at having him back, Zerori was just about to leave the room. It was when Bigby seemed to stop in his assessment to look at her apartment and compliment it. For some reason, seeing him mention the home that he no longer had and bringing hers to mind was… calming in it’s own way.
Muscles that were previous tense from anger and anxiety started to relax and she just let out a very ragged sigh before mumbling to him, “You can stay here or we can go, but yeah just…” She ran a hand through her hair to try and remedy the exhaustion she felt, “-just lead us where you want to go for privacy afterwards and I’ll listen as best I can. I’m getting-” She yawned widely, tears pricking in her eyes, “-Getting’ pretty tired…”