Post by Deleted on Feb 10, 2016 21:13:48 GMT
(It was a joke, that's not actually something he's doing or that is part of the thread. It is in no way real. That's why it's in a spoiler.)
Post by Etoru on Feb 10, 2016 21:36:37 GMT
Etoru frowned as he hovered there staring at the moon. He sighed. Only if he could go Oozaru. It just sounds awesome! COME ON! YOU'LL BE LIKE....A BAZZILION FEET TALL! Then that way, people would stop calling him short! Mhm! Then Walker questioned why'd he want to turn Oozaru when he has super Saiyan. "Uh helloooo~, sure power is cool and all, BUT WHO WOULDN'T BE SUPER DUPER HUGE! I would be able to see everything...JUST STANDING THERE! And finally, people would look UP TO ME for a change." Etoru smirked. If onlllyyyyy...oh well. No use in whining about it right?
Then Radasha said that Kaula claimed Walker...ate...people. "Y-Y-You...e-e-e-eat people..." Etoru gulped. A felt a pit of fear in his stomach. He was one of those monsters in the stories he always hears about! Then he corrected her and said absorption. Wait that sounded a lot like...then he said it. Bio Androids! Etoru growled. "That means you're EVIL! AREN'T YOU!" So far, he only met two Bio Androids and well they...both want to kill Etoru. "YOU'RE WORKING WITH ZYAJIN AREN'T YOU! YOU...YOU...SPY!" As Etoru was yelling, something seemed to top that problem in a whole other league! Radasha called him short.
Etoru turned and frowned at her. He grit his teeth and clenched his fists. Etoru snapped and started yelling at her shaking his fists. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING SHORT!?! IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY, THEN SAY IT GRANDMA!! YOU...YOU OLD HAG!" He slumped his arms but kept his fists clenched as he floated in front of Radasha's snout and glared at her eyes frustrated.
Post by Radasha on Feb 10, 2016 22:19:37 GMT
Radasha listened to Walker question the kid about wanting to become an Oozaru when he was already strong. She chucked at the young one's response. Such a childish motivation.... When the tree man questioned her next she responded; "Why wouldn't I be proud of my daughter? She's one of the strongest people with saiyan blood in the galaxy. And why try proving those glasses are unnecessary in some cases? Because it may ease life on earth here for it's Saiyan inhabitants....Like my daughter, my son and his family, and my sister and her family. Not all the Saiyans living here are considered traitors... Some never made it back to Vegeta to be raised in our culture and others felt they didnt fit in our culture. Some don't like fighting as a soldier or killing other beings. Hell, I myself prefer conqeuring a planet with as little death as possible. Sure i like the battles but i'm not particularly fond of messy results," she said, shrugging a bit.
When Etoru mentioned Zyajin, Radasha gained a thoughtful look. "Zyajin...Is that the creeepy white haired man with what I assumed was green armor on his shoulders? I met him up north. Said he was 'created by the government'. I guess that was a lie," she said with a chuckle.
When Etoru turned on her after her short comment and started yelling at her....She got a gleeful grin on her face. "Oh ho...Seems someone has a....Short temper.." she said, grin getting wider, making her look like a Cheshire.....Monkey..
Post by Deleted on Feb 10, 2016 22:51:32 GMT
(( Radasha, I can't explain why exactly, but thank you. You just provided a chance for Walker's story to get a lot more interesting.))
Turning to Etoru, the tilted his head, looking utterly confused. "I'm... sorry. Zyajin? I have no idea who that is. As for being Evil, Kami himself went through my deepest thoughts." Shrugging helplessly, he sighed. "If there's a better recommendation than that, I am unaware of it. I do not absorb people, though. I eat sunlight and water." Waving one hand, he shrugged. "As for people looking up to you, all I can say is that being tall is very irritating sometimes. I have to walk bent double quite often." Cracking his neck, he groaned, and leaned back in the air. "It's quite uncomfortable."
As Radasha spoke, he stilled, listening to her words with rapt attention. She was proud of Kaula? Even though she fought the person she was loyal to? He was getting jumbled, though. Things in order. "White-haired man... Etoru, I assume this is another Bio-Android? Well, if so, I would humbly ask that you tell me where you encountered him. After the chaos of Rei's rampage, I refuse to tolerate more deaths due to the untamed idiocy of those who create beings like us." Radasha had mentioned something about the north. A good place to go look, then. Speaking of odd androids, bio or otherwise, hadn't he encountered that young robot in the city when he met Sanngrior?
Hovering in the air, the tree's head tilted forward for a moment, and his eyes closed, the glow gone. As Radasha teased the young Saiyan, he thought about her words. It was true, being a Saiyan on earth was cause for alarm to most. In fact, even he had reacted badly, although it seemed that was the intended reaction. It was quite likely this would inspire some debate, even if it changed nothing. This was... this was not what he had expected, honestly. The SSE was spoken of as brutal, bloodthirsty and maniacal, but... Radasha was the mother of one of his close friends, and apparently someone else as well. She had children here, grandchildren. Looking at the city behind him, it occurred to the tree that they had done nothing in their own defense, even when they thought they were under attack.
Earth had fended off the Saiyans due to the BBA, but it was primarily due to the efforts of Kami, Kaula and Vi-Poi, and it had cost numerous people their lives. The Saiyans were a warlike race, but to see an army of such soldiers, while Earth depended on a few mighty beings and the struggling efforts of the Blue Banner? If Vi-Poi or Bing fell, it was likely that another Empire would be able to attack, whether a reformed Arcosian or Saiyan. Still... a small spark of anger flared for a moment. These people did nothing, while others gave their lives to defend them. Every human was capable of utilizing Ki to some extent, and yet they allowed others to die in their defense, rather than fighting themselves.
"Ma'am... If I may ask... You say you are proud of your daughter, and with good reason. She is quite strong, someone I was once an equal to, but has since surpassed me while I lay dormant." He stared up at the sky, hands loose at his sides. "You fight with the SSE, a group that has sought to conquer this world. What is their opinion of Earth, I wonder? As I am given to understand it, Saiyans range in power levels, but most possess some form of combat prowess, if not nearly all. What judgement was laid down on this world, before it was attacked?"
Post by Etoru on Feb 13, 2016 6:15:58 GMT
Etoru stared at her, glaring. She was getting on his last nerves. Then...she MADE A STUPID PUN!!!! UGH! Etoru's face turned red from frustration. "Y-You...!!! I! Er!" he was in that state where a child doesn't have a come back, and he didn't know how to react. Usually people would just bonk him on the head...but she kept TEASSSING him. "...I...am not...short...GOT IT...?" Etoru's eyes twitched. He couldn't take it. Suddenly he attempted to bolt onto her head and start tugging a strand of her hair. Should he succeed, he'd try to tug enough for her to feel the pain, but without actually ripping the strand of hair off. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING SHORT..YOU...UH...OLD...UGLY...PERSON!" Then Etoru had a GREAT come back! "YOU'RE SO UGLY, YOU LOOK LIKE WALKER!" Ha! Let's see her come back at that one!
Etoru blinked blankly and turned his head, still tugging on the hair. He looked at Zyajin. The child had a pretty disappointed and distressed face. Quickly he thought of past events, as much as he tried forgetting them, they just kept coming back to haunt him. All those innocent deaths...caused by his hand...Etoru frowned. No! That wasn't him! And he was going to redeem himself. "No way Mr.Walker! I'm NOT telling you! He's MINES to catch!" Etoru grit his teeth angrily. This would be his only chance. It wasn't like he KNEW where Zyajin was...just...he needed to find him. Himself. Of course...Etoru's main concern...was Breech.
((HORRIBLE post. But I lacked a bit of muse, but just wanted to keep it moving. SORRY for the hold up.)
Post by Radasha on Feb 13, 2016 7:52:42 GMT
Radasha chuckled at Etoru's lack of a combat. But her smile vanished when he flew up and began tugging at her hair. The Oozaru growled and reached up to enclose her giant hand around the boy and tug him off. "Alright, knock that off!" she said, tone of one telling a child to stop doing something they shouldn't...which she pretty much was. As she did this, she went ahead and answered Walker's question.
"I can't speak for everyone, but my own opinion is while this planet's strongest fighters were a match for ours....If it was a battle of this planet's normal military and ours.....The invasion would most likely have succeeded with minimal casualties on our side. If any. The soldiers of this planet rely too much on their technology.....Hell one of the beings that were a big threat during the invasion was a robot....One that had malfunctioned beforehand and took out a planet as well as citizens of Earth I may add," she said, referencing the Realigner Red scenario before the invasion. "An Earthling soldier and a SSE soldier fighting each other one on one....That wouldn't be a fight, that would be a massacre. Earth's military NEEDS to train it's soldiers in handling ki if this civilization is going to have a place in the galaxy. They can't rely on machines, guns, and their 'heroes' forever."
Sighing, the Saiyan matriarch said; "It may be us returning to finish what we began. It may be another force stronger than ours. Sooner or later, a few people like Kaula and Bing will not be enough...."
Post by Deleted on Feb 13, 2016 20:33:38 GMT
The tree sighed, and put one hand to his face. That had been unexpectedly silly. It seemed that, despite all his vast power, Etoru was still just a child. That was both worrying and refreshing. Refreshing, because a young child should not have to be grim and serious, in proportion with his might. It was worrying because, well...
It was here that his body seemed to lock, something forcing him to stay still. It wasn't fear, exactly. That wasn't the proper term for what he was feeling. Radasha's words felt like hammerblows, the blunt response a concise vocalization of all the indistinct misgivings he had been having as he learned about the new state of the world. It was painfully precise.
Stumbling a bit in the air, Walker sagged. An SSE Saiyan, echoing his concerns... By Kami, this had gone so far off track from what he expected that it seemed likely they'd hit Arcose in a minute. "I.. I see. I cannot argue with that, quite honestly. It is... a concern of mine as well." Steadying his flight, he looked about. "I... well. I am not entirely certain if I am needed, honestly? Etoru,if you insist on fighting this Zyajin, I will take your word for it. However, I hope you understand that if I encounter him, I will most likely attempt to stop him."
Rubbing his face for a moment, the tree sighed. "I believe I may leave in a moment. I have... much to think about."
((...Dang. Radasha just frigging stunned Walker. That was great. XD)
Post by Etoru on Feb 19, 2016 18:41:26 GMT
Etoru kept tugging her hair growling. Suddenly a large hand approached him. He yelped before it tugged him off. He held onto her hair a bit eventually was pulled off. Etoru frowned. He squirmed in her fist a bit before sighing. "You win THIS round! If you were Kaula you would of hit me by now." Etoru huffed. "And IF YOU WERE WEARING A SKIRT, I WOULD OF LIFTED IT! Just like what Kaula told me. She told me that skirts are awesome in battle, I'm gonna buy one soon. She said it can help me move freely. But if the enemy is wearing one, she told me to lift it, she says it causes a good distraction. I lifted hers and she slammed me into the ground. I guess my distraction was really good." He mused.
They went on to talk about Saiyans blah blah blah and the military blah blah blah, but truth be told, Etoru didn't care about any of it. He didn't really pay attention enough really. "This is all stupid. Almost every single Saiyan is bad. I know good Saiyans, but besides you Mrs.Kaula's mommy, I only know Toma. I don't know him a lot...but he was there at the gathering thinger majinger. Anyways that's it really. All the other Saiyans I know are hybreads." Of course he meant to say Hybrid, but he wasn't that great at pronouncing it. "Anyways....what if...just what if...WE! Were the bad guys! WooOOoooOo spooOOOoooOky" Etoru giggled. Although, despite not thinking about what he said, he MAY have been right. Or maybe they might put thought into it.
Post by Radasha on Feb 20, 2016 0:08:18 GMT
Radasha noticed the tree-man's surprised reaction. Appeared they may have had the same thoughts on the matter. "For Earth's sake, I hope you're not the only one who thinks about it." she said, now looking down at Etoru, who had been going on about skirts or something. Then he began saying that most full blooded Saiyans were 'bad', besides her and Toma apparently. She chuckled. "You've met Toma huh? So you know both of my kids. He's the son I mentioned before."
Letting the little hybrid go, she stood up. "Well. I should be leaving as well. I suppose my point was made," she said, shrugging, "I have a trip back home to prepare for." Lifting up into the air, she began to float above the ground. "You should maybe spread that concern around....Maybe if there is a next Invasion, you won't have another North City scenario..." she said as she began to rise higher into the air. "It was nice to meet some of Kaula's comrades regardless." she added, giving them both a wave before she began her flight back to wherever she had come from.
(Exit Postatoe. PL pleeeease)
Post by Deleted on Feb 20, 2016 0:31:20 GMT
Nodding slowly, Walker watched the Saiyan leave, rubbing his jaw. It was... an interesting notion he had just encountered. Seeing the SSE in a more positive light was not something he had expected. His worries were almost a creed? That was... concerning.
It was made even worse when Etoru commented about "Perhaps we're the bad guys!". Chuckling, Walker shook his head. "That would make this rather confusing, wouldn't it." Still, that's what he had thought about Radasha when he flew up, and all he had accomplished was making a complete ass of himself. Turning to Etoru, Walker bowed. "Well, I suppose I should head off as well. I hope you continued success in your training with Bing, Etoru." Waving once, he turned and flew off, heading back towards the Lookout.
As he traveled, he attempted to focus on other things, but the words of Radasha kept sneaking back into the forefront of his thoughts. What would happen if the Saiyans invaded again? If they LOST. Would the queen simply plant the Tree of Might once more, and drain Earth? Or... Hmm. There were other outcomes, now that he thought about it. Musing to himself, Walker continued his flight back to the Lookout, thinking all the while. There were many things he needed to consider, now.
(Exiting as well, I suppose. Zeni please)
Post by Etoru on Feb 21, 2016 2:45:02 GMT
Etoru smiled gleefully as Radasha let him go. He blinked blankly. "Whoa wait what? Toma is your kid too!?! Wow, you really are old grandma." Etoru then turned to Walker snickering. "Mhm. And okay thanks! I'll train harder than ever with Master Bing! Speaking of Master Bing...where is he? Ah oh well he'll turn up eventually..." Etoru smiled. HE decided he should head out too. What a long day. The child had a white aura around him before he soared off.
[Thread Exit. Zeni please.]
Post by Beryl Roarke on Feb 26, 2016 7:38:48 GMT
Radasha - 70,204 + 3754 = 73,958 PL Walker - 154,602 + 4330 = 158,932 PL
Etoru - 15,269 + 1766 = 17,035 Z
Post by Beryl Roarke on Mar 16, 2016 2:57:52 GMT