Post by Quince on Oct 5, 2015 7:44:50 GMT
((I'm deeply sorry I've been so late (again), but multiple factors had gotten in the way. I promise I won't keep you in the thread much longer!))
"Eh? OK."
The cat with blue fur slumped over, collapsing onto the floor and getting up in a very lazy sort of walk. It was almost as if he completely forgot how to walk on two legs, or even how to walk at all, but he walked nonetheless. He slumped over and leaned on the sickly-yellow cloud as it moved by its own free will, causing the obese kitten to fall over, fast-first, into the ground.
"No, no! I vaguely remember telling you already! My name is Quince, not 'Please'! Or... at least I think so... You make me think too much. You're trying to attack me mentally, I knew it!" exclaimed the feline accusingly, shaking a pointing index finger to the green-skinned robed patrolman (or patrolnamekian?), his back almost glued to the ground due to the chains of gravity, chains he wasn't able to (literally) stand up to. "Appreciate what? Who are you? What witchcraft is this? You unho-ly cur-sed war-lock, get out of my house!"
That was when he looked down to the tuna and back again. "Oh, hi Nemo. Did you see an unho-ly cur-sed war-lock anywhere around here? Oh, wait, what we were talking about. Yeah sure, just jump in on!" allowed the blue blob of fur, struggling himself on the cloud before he fell down. "Darned thing's too high... eh, uh? Can you, uh, lift me up?"
Post by Deleted on Oct 7, 2015 17:39:08 GMT
OOC: No problem man!
Quince summons the cloud he mentioned it would be transporting them to the top of Kami’s Lookout. He seems to be having some difficulty in climbing it up and end up falling from it. Nemo wasn’t sure if that was a result of his cloud-climbing fiasco, but the mood of the instable senbyo changed as he meets the cold floor, assuring the namekian he had already told him his name and then calling him a warlock attempting to mess with his mind. Nemo’s eyes are wide staring at the weirdo and he finds it a sensible choice not to outline any reaction as it could end up setting off the cat even more. All of a sudden, he is back at his senses (I’m not sure I can affirmatively say he was ever “at his senses” though…) and inquires about the “warlock” who Nemo at first thought to be himself. ~ “Uh… No?” ~ He responds regarding his knowledge about where said unholy cursed (Quince’s words) character’s whereabouts. Quince then once again tries to climb the Flying Nimbus, failing miserably at his enterprise a second time. He then asks for the patrolman’s help. ~ “Sure… Let me help you” ~ The scarred warrior proceeds to lend the feline deity a hand, helping him to get on the cloud. If there weren’t anymore surprises, he would try and climb on the unusual vehicle himself as soon as Quince was safe on top of it.
Post by Quince on Oct 11, 2015 1:28:24 GMT
"I swear that unho-ly cur-sed war-lock was here somewhere."
Thanks to the help of the Galactic Patrolman, Quince was safe and sound on top of the cloud, which finally meant that Quince could go back to enjoying the adventures of Spongebob Rectanglepants on his stolen forcefully and permanently borrowed television once the Green Bro was where he needed to be. That was when the sickly yellow cloud began to shake. It began to rumble, it started to vibrate. Quince hadn't the slightest idea as to what was happening, he simply tried to not be thrown off by digging his (ruined) claws into the blob of yellow before, finally, his feet were went straight through the cloud as they could be seen on the other side: it could barely support his weight. This was odd considering it would be able to support Nemo, who was many times Quince's size, so a conclusion had been come to (a conclusion that Quince wasn't bothered to think up): either the cat weighs more than he weighs or the cloud just hates him. The answer was likely some strange combination of the two, despite the impossibility of the former.
"Alright, let's go!"
Quince's feet dangled about, the fat stored in his torso not fitting in the hole and preventing him from falling through. Like a toddler on a pool noodle, Quince tried to swim in the air to direct himself past the safety gate, as to get up, but had the sudden feeling that there sure was a long distance down...
"Uhh.. How about you go up first?"
Post by Deleted on Nov 20, 2015 17:04:28 GMT
Both the namekian and the clueless cat god were finally on top of the nimbus and Nemo thought the weirdness was finally over and he would be able to go ahead and finally meet Kami-sama. Of course, he was wrong. Quince suddenly began to fall through the nimbus as if too heavy to accomplish the feet of merely standing on top of it, what was weird, as like my fellow writer in this brief story pointed out, Nemo was many times heavier than the senbyo. ~ “Uh… Do you need a hand?” ~ The green skinned warrior couldn’t help but ask before proceeding.
Post by Quince on Nov 23, 2015 20:52:39 GMT
Of course, Nemo indeed was many times heavier than Quince, just barely scraping by. However, weight was as much an irrelevant detail as it was a crucial statistic in the matter. What was happening could be explained in an uncountable amount of ways, very little of which make any sense. Perhaps the cloud just hated him. Perhaps he ingested mass amounts of oxygen beforehand and let it turn him into a balloon, but this leaked out as soon as he touched the cloud. Perhaps Nemo had some form of control over gravity and therefore weight? Or perhaps these properties are simply owed to, say, cartoon physics?
"I don't see how a hand would be helpful. Can you push me up instead, hand-merchant?"